Friday, November 03, 2006

autumn and the samurai, analogies of death

Death! The word many people never want to hear about, for some just one decibel of the word is enough is to throw them into manic depression. but why do we really fear this word when the essence it represents is the most valuable thing on earth; the main thing that makes life so interesting, so controversial, so precious, so useful, so valuable, so FLEETING.
A funny poet once said " If there's any beauty in death then it has to be in Autumn cos there is so much beauty and grace in a leaf falling to its death." The analogy is so, so true. If death could always be like autumn then i would love to die a thousand times; wouldn't you? Luckily for some they get to experience an Autumn-like death, aging gracefully and 'falling' peacefully but sadly for the rest of us, we encounter a Tsunami-like unexpected death.
Another way to die in beauty and grace is to take the samurai stance. Always death before dishonor. All those times when we go behind the people we love and hurt them we dishonor ourselves and the people we love. The Samurai understands that honor comes before personal gain, others always come self. If we would only live even if just for a day as a Samurai we would meet death with great grace and confidence because were crossing over with a clear conscience- with nothing to be ashamed of!
Let's get to work, clearing out all our petty jealousy, gossiping, backstabbing and all the things that give us a dark side and make sure our dark side is as good as our bright side. Then death will become a thing of beauty and grace.

coolest stuff in life are free, wanna get some?

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mando, kaduna, Nigeria