Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Playing at war!


like a malicious creature, you scratch at my soul
stripping it off, swallowing it up
You poison my mind
unwinding my cocoon of reason with steady hands
hoping to find me vulnerable
fearing that the transformation may already
be complete and that your
spiteful plans be laid to waste

You try to imprison me with bars of guilt
poking through armour with slivers of doubt
jarred by my tenacity, spurred by my vulnerability
you push, kick, scratch and claw
you fight me day and night
hoping to be the author of my destruction

We play these winding games
You strike, I parry and return
You evade and attempt to strike again
We fight for prize
You, for your father's will
I, for my promised crown
You are his vassal, It is my future
I will be your undoing

I will hold on, remain strong
Till the end of it all
and victory will be mine for
I fight not alone but
with the hosts of the sons of God
and the strength of the arm of heaven

Oh Self, manifestation of flesh
I must fight you because
you are tainted by sin
mortal and flawed and doomed for
destruction with your father Beelzebub

When the battle is won
my soul will take flight
and rise to meet my master
the risen christ!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Wedding update.

It's about two weeks to Dipo's wedding to Uncle Obed and we are all beginning to feel the pressure of the impending event. When you add the fact that Dipo is studying for her chartered accountancy licence and house-hunting for the perfect nest to begin her married life as well as planning her own wedding, you can only imagine the amount of pressure she's under. Derin, Uloko and I are currently in school so we aren't much help.

Thankfully, all the major headaches have already been handled. The venue has been chosen and paid for, the marriage certificate has already been collected, a caterer and a decorator have been contracted to handle food and decor and the officiating ministers have been notified and consented to attend. Invitations have been sent out and the wedding programme has been drafted and sent to the printer so all that is really left to decide is what to sing and what to wear.

Derin isn't the chief bridesmaid this time so she have more time to strut her stuff and show her mettle with the choir. She'll most probably lead the first praise worship and I'll lead the second. David will play bass and Uloko or James will handle piano, we'll probably have to graft a drummer unless bro. Dami saves the day. But overall I'm positive that everything will turn out fantastic!!!

Keep u posted. Ed!

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Pics of our 2008 Outings

Though it may not seem like it, the treasured vessels is not all about bible studies and prayer meetings. We do go out and have fun like everyone else. Some of my friends were disputing that claim so I've decided to post some pictures and possibly a video to prove it. enjoy!

coolest stuff in life are free, wanna get some?

About Me

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mando, kaduna, Nigeria