Sunday, February 18, 2007

Blessing, one of our younger members, she has a really cute smile if you can get her to smile you'll have a surprise!

Chris, all garbed up in his basketball wears, he plays really well and we all hope that he shoots for the N.B.A one day.

TA! DA! There's our little surprise, poor blessing has crooked baby teeth but that doesn't stop her from smiling all the time.

Our little dance was not very successful because we did not do our home work well and we let other things get in the way of we preparing our invitations before hand; thankfully, inspite of our many blunderous mistakes we still managed to overcome and host a fun dance with six new members and 16 old ones. We beat our expectations for our first dance. Well we are going to host another one this saturday, so please pray for us and we'll keep you posted.
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