Saturday, June 30, 2007

The truth behind boy/girl relationships

When we hear about the drama that parents put up when they discover that their child has a girlfriend/boyfriend, we begin to get the impression that there is something evil about being interested in the opposite sex. That in turn, pushes young people to go under the radar and still engage in such relationships. The problems begin when as a result of the lack of guidance and surveillance by parents, these young people end up indulging in the less prettier areas of relationship (premarital sex and the like.
So what is really so bad about teenagers engaging in opposite sex relationships? Nothing! Actually, the odd thing would be if the teenager doesn't see anyone who catches his fancy. The way our bodies are designed actually trigger these sudden 'crushes'. Once a teenager approaches puberty, his body produces certain hormones that develop his physical extremities and mental orientation for procreation. Just imagine if no one felt the urge to procreate, or everyone developed the urge but didn't have the tools to go about it. In a century the whole of mankind would die out. s
God has given us this great priviledge, BUT he also expects one thing from us- RESPONSIBILITY! What we do with God's gifts is our choice but it is also our responsibility to accept the consequences of doing things wrongly. It's our choice.

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