Monday, February 11, 2008

A wedding was held!

Derin in her bride's maid gown, aint she lovely?

Groom's man Uloko showing a well tailored cut!

Me lookin all serious and proper.

Derin Just wasn't into taking this picture, the heat was finally getting to her.

Last month,on the 26th to be exact, The elder sister of our Youth leader Uloko got married to a pastor, Pastor Kola of the Dominion christian Ministry. It was a well organised event with good music and a solemn ceremony. It even gave our present resident pastor,Mr. Kingsley Ojianelo the chance to try his skills as a officiating minister at a wedding. I suspect that it was his first time, {He did well anyway..}
I know funny things happen at weddings but I was kind of amazed when the presiding minister "failed" to tell the bride and groom to kiss officially under the eyes of God and man. The bride was already beginning to heave a sigh of relief when the M.C commanded that they Kiss. The bride and groom began to drag their feet as if they had never kissed before and it was only after the whole congregation began to hoot and boo did they give a wishy-washy, watery kiss. Very,Very disappointing.
What took the cake for me though was when Uloko and his brothers decided to sing a rock song for their sister during the reception. They'd written the song themselves and a friend played the guitar. It was all about them wanting her to stay longer but it not beBefore long the whole audience was crying as if the song was meant for them. Women and men watered the hall with their tears which I assume is a good thing because, Love was in the air.
Can't wait for another Wedding.

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mando, kaduna, Nigeria